Back to the Basics

The more successful we become, the further we move away from the basics that made us successful in the first place!” Don Connelly— internationally acclaimed successful trainer, coach and mentor to Financial Advisers.


Claims in Focus

In the last 37 years I have had relatively few disability claims. However, in the last two years I have had to handle three claims, all for depression, and these particular claims – because they are emotion oriented have given me a very valuable insight into the claims process.


Keyperson Insurance

The basic premise for Keyperson insurance is that business is an enterprise for profit. Since the purpose of business is profit, it is self-evident that the most valuable asset of a business is the asset which produces the most profit. Any gain beyond that is ascribable to management expertise and ingenuity. Therefore, the HUMAN ASSET…


The Strategy Paper

Sadly, from my experience, a negative side-effect of our compliance regime is the inability of many Financial Advisers (FA) to convince people of their need to own much larger and appropriate sums of life insurance.


Selling Life Insurance to Single People

From my experience, the single person is generally oblivious to the need for owning life insurance and consider themselves “bullet-proof” so far as long-term disability is concerned.


The Estate Funnel

With business owners, when discussing the area of estate planning, I asked two specific questions: Will your heirs inherit a gross estate or a net estate? AND “If you had died yesterday, what amount of shrinkage would your estate have suffered?


Selling Disability Insurance to Single People

I believe the most powerful question you can ask in the first meeting with a single person is ‘What would you regard as your most valuable asset? ‘It is important that you ask this question in the context of discussing their assets/liabilities.


Selling Insurance – a Rose by Any Other Name

Commencing in the 1970’s, and maturing throughout the 1980’s and 1990’s, many advisers who adopted the mantle of ‘financial planner’, wanted to generate a different image in the eyes of their clients than that held by many consumers who saw them as purely sales-driven operators.
