I’m not sure that there will ever be words enough to “thank you” for the presentation you did in Perth yesterday. It was the most valuable workshop/seminar that I have ever been too in my 8 years as a Life Risk Adviser.
Yesterday you reinforced everything I have been working towards and reminded me to stop overcomplicating things and get back to basics, this itself has given me a new found confidence and drive, not to mention the wonderful new “sales” tips and skills which I know are going to prove invaluable to me in the future and have worked today already for me.
Your comment to me after the presentation that “I will go a long way” has given me more confidence and means more to me than anything I have ever heard or may hear in the future, to be recognised as it were by someone of your calibre who is in the business, it doesn’t get any better than that so thank you again.
I really hope that at some stage in the not too distant future I get the opportunity to listen and learn from you again.